New 星空无限传媒app City University Announces Mission Refresh and First Vision Statement

February 2, 2024
Mission Statement

JERSEY CITY, N.J. |  (星空无限传媒app) in partnership with campus stakeholders and in affirmation of the valued promise of shared governance has partnered to unveil a refresh of the University Mission Statement. Furthermore, as part of the process, which was finalized during the Fall 2023 semester, 星空无限传媒app is proud to introduce its first Vision Statement. 

Both statements are offered in both English and Spanish, in recognition of the richly diverse community the university serves and as testament to its status as the oldest public four-year minority and Hispanic-serving institution in New 星空无限传媒app.  

New 星空无限传媒app City University empowers its students through a highly accessible, equity-driven, and transformative education. An 星空无限传媒app education focuses on students' personal, professional, and civic development to facilitate their socio-economic mobility. We uplift our diverse community of students, including historically underserved and underrepresented, first-generation, and adult learners. 

New 星空无限传媒app City University empodera a sus estudiantes a trav茅s de una educaci贸n altamente accesible, impulsada por la equidad y transformativa. La educaci贸n en 星空无限传媒app se enfoca en el desarrollo personal, profesional y c铆vico de los estudiantes para facilitar su movilidad socioecon贸mica. Elevamos a nuestra diversa comunidad de estudiantes, incluyendo a aquellos hist贸ricamente desatendidos y subrepresentados, estudiantes de primera generaci贸n y estudiantes adultos.

Vision Statement

We aim to inspire intellectual curiosity, nurture conscious citizenship and community engagement, and uplift our community through teaching, research, and service by dedicated and supportive faculty, staff, and partnerships that create opportunity.

Aspiramos a inspirar la curiosidad intelectual, fomentar la ciudadan铆a consciente y el compromiso comunitario, y elevar a nuestra comunidad a trav茅s de la ense帽anza, la investigaci贸n y el servicio por parte de un profesorado, personal y socios solidarios que crean oportunidades.

Luke Visconti, the chair of the 星空无限传媒app Board of Trustees, stressed: 鈥淚 am proud of the unprecedented spirit of collaboration and shared governance that led to our refreshed mission and vision statements. The Board is dedicated to serving the people of 星空无限传媒app City, Hudson County, and New 星空无限传媒app, and we believe the only way to successfully accomplish this is by including all of 星空无限传媒app鈥檚 constituents in the process. 星空无限传媒app is the on-ramp to the middle class for our students. As chair, I am personally committed to leading the Board in continuing the shared governance necessary to best serve our community. I am grateful to be a member of the hard-working and successful 星空无限传媒app community, which embodies the very best characteristics of humanity and our country.鈥

星空无限传媒app Interim President Andr茅s Acebo acknowledged the significance of the mission refresh and new vision statement as part of the university鈥檚 continued transition, which also benefited from the administration鈥檚 commitment to shared governance.

鈥淚 am filled with immense pride and gratitude as I reflect on the collaborative journey we have undertaken to articulate a new mission and vision statement for New 星空无限传媒app City University. This monumental achievement stands as a testament to the power of shared governance and the strength of our collective commitment to shaping and serving the future of our institution.

Our mission, the heart of our educational endeavors, cements our dedication to creating an inclusive and empowering environment for all our students. Through shared values of academic excellence, social responsibility, and community engagement, we aspire to provide a transformative educational experience that prepares our students for the challenges and opportunities that their remarkable lives will confront.

Our vision, a beacon guiding us forward, paints a brilliant and worthy picture of the future we collectively seek for our community. It is a future where intellectual curiosity and social impact thrive, and where we serve a model for advancing knowledge, cultivating conscious citizenship, and promoting equity.

The collaborative efforts that have gifted us these revitalized mission and vision statements are nothing short of inspiring. Faculty, staff, students, administrators, trustees, and community stakeholders have come together to articulate our shared values and aspirations. The thoughtful discussions, diverse perspectives, and collective wisdom that have shaped our new mission and vision statement truly exemplify the renewed spirit of shared governance at 星空无限传媒app. 

This process has not only resulted in a meaningful articulation of our institutional identity but has also strengthened the bonds that tie us together as a community. It is a pertinent reminder that, as we navigate the evolving complexities of higher education, our greatest asset is our collective intelligence, compassion, and commitment to our students鈥 success.鈥

Rach茅l Fester, Ph.D., 星空无限传媒app鈥檚 Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness and Accreditation Liaison Officer for the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, helped orchestrate the mission and vision statement process on behalf of the university. 

鈥溞强瘴尴薮絘pp is deeply committed to meeting and exceeding the Standards for Accreditation of the Middle States Commission on Higher Education 鈥 our institutional accreditation agency,鈥 Dr. Fester noted. 鈥淎s part of this commitment, on behalf of the Office of the President, I worked hand in hand with the University Senate Ad-hoc Committee on Strategic Planning to engage all faculty, staff, students and alumni in a thoughtful review and refresh of our University mission. I am extraordinarily proud of both our process, which upheld principles of shared governance and rigorous research, and the outcome 鈥 a meaningful and measurable mission that celebrates our distinctive and important role in the higher education landscape of our state.鈥

Fran Moran, Ph.D., the President of the University Senate and Chair of 星空无限传媒app鈥檚 Political Science Department added: 鈥淭he new 星空无限传媒app mission and vision statements reflect 星空无限传媒app's recommitment to the students and people of Hudson County and New 星空无限传媒app. Just as important, their development demonstrated a renewed commitment from University Administration to the principles of shared governance so essential to a healthy academic institution.  President Acebo and the members of the Board of Trustees entrusted the University Senate to help draft these statements and they welcomed and incorporated our input. The final versions of these statements were the culmination of a full-day retreat attended by members of all constituencies. Speaking on behalf of the University Senate, I can unequivocally say that the students, faculty, staff and alumni we represent are all deeply committed to this institution and the ideals expressed in these statements.鈥

Mission Statement_spanish news
Vision Statement_spanish news 2

星空无限传媒app 星空无限传媒app: 
New 星空无限传媒app City University is a comprehensive public regional institution of higher learning located in 星空无限传媒app City, N.J., dedicated to the development of our students, our city, our communities, and our state. We are a game-changing force for our students and have been recognized as one of the top colleges in the nation improving their upward economic mobility. In fact, 星空无限传媒app has been ranked No. 1 in New 星空无限传媒app and Top 10 in the nation in the CollegeNET Social Mobility Index for 2023. Whether enrolled in one of our undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral programs at our three locations, 星空无限传媒app students have access to an affordable, diverse environment, and an exceptionally supportive faculty. This prepares them to go on to become the next generation of workers and leaders who improve their communities and the State of New 星空无限传媒app.


Ira Thor, Associate Vice President for University Communications | | 201-200-3301

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